Find a therapist

free for clients

Psychmatch offers you more choice and control over your mental health

We connect clients and therapists* based on how well they'll work together.


How it works

Post details

Complete our free matching questionnaire and post your requirements.

Find compatible therapist

We find psychologists/counsellors with a high match and send you compatibility profiles that outline how well you match.

You accept the match

Decide how you want to action. You can accept the match or opt to match again.

Therapist accepts the match

We do the legwork and contact the therapist on your behalf.

Connect and book

We share your respective contact details. You connect and book a time that suits you.


You submit a feedback survey to help improve treatment outcomes for others.

Psychmatch is NOT an emergency service. It should not be used in an emergency or acute mental health circumstances. If you are experiencing severe distress requiring an urgent response, call – 000 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.


At Psychmatch, we’re here to find you the best therapist we can; with science and data. That's it.

Our core business is our matching algorithm that connects clients and therapists based on how well they’ll work together. We’ve spent 3 years in extensive academic review, interviewing and collaborating with PhD experts and customer testing to bring you the most comprehensive matching tool we’ve seen on the market.

Our process is simple and hassle free. We do the research so you don't have to.

June is looking for a therapist to help with her mental health.

She goes to her GP for a referral and mental health plan.

June books an appointment to see her therapist but after a few sessions finds it’s not a good fit.

June goes back to her GP to get another referral.

This process is time consuming and costly and June is now worried that therapy can’t help her. This is also inefficient for her GP.

Before going back to her GP, June uses Psychmatch to find a therapist that is compatible with her personality, coping style, treatment philosophy and life experiences.

She can also indicate preferred gender, location and age range of her therapist.

June makes a free secure submission to Psychmatch where she competes her profile by answering a series of questions and uploads any referral or mental health plan.

Psychmatch identifies a therapist with a high match, as well as their availability, average wait times and fees.

June looks at her therapist's profile and accepts the match knowing this time should be better than the last.

Psychmatch is free for clients looking for therapists.

We provide better suited therapy through better matching.

Free for feedback

This service is completely free, we only ask that clients complete a short questionnaire after having completed at least 1 session with the therapists.

The questionnaire will add new knowledge in the field of therapeutic alliance and improve the strength of our matches. All responses are de-identifiable.