match to Manage

60 days free trial*

we help therapists Sort new enquires and manage burnout

Sort enquiries based on compatibility and readiness for therapy. Can reduce admin time by 10-30%. Lighten the mental load with consistently stronger therapeutic alliance.

*then $17.99/month

How it works

Send your ID and link to new enquiries

Register to get your individual ID and link. Send these to new enquiries to complete questionnaire.

Get compatibility profiles

We send you profiles detailing their compatibility and readiness for therapy.

Decide how you want to action

Use this intel to help select clients, prioritise your waitlist or refer on.

why join?

The problem

There is a growing need for mental health support in Australia. Yet, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shortage of mental health providers to meet demand and this is likely only going to increase.

A 2020 study by the Australian Psychological Society of close to 300 psychologists, found close to 80% of participants could be classed as suffering from “high burnout” and close to 60% suffering from “high disengagement”.

The study concludes there is a growing need for burnout reduction interventions.

A 2018 “study of studies” of 29 research papers on the prevalence and causes of burnout (led by H.M. McCormack), found workload and work settings to be the leading causes of burnout with personal characteristics and resources (lack of) also playing important roles.

Whereas control over clients, hours worked and case variability generally had a positive impact on the level of experience with burnout.

Our solution

By controlling for a strong therapeutic alliance and providing detailed upfront intel on each case, we offer more choice and control over who and what you treat.

Our client compatibility profile sets out compatibility and readiness for therapy scores, including a summary of issues, current support networks and any referral or mental health plan that is attached.

Ultimately, we make treatment easier for both the client and therapist. This in turn can reduce burnout, streamline admin and increase access and availability to better suited therapy.

Erin runs her own psychology practice. Due to COVID-19 she has more clients than she can take on.

She works on weekends and after hours to respond to a long list of enquiries and catch up on admin. She is stressed and worn thin.

Erin sees that Psychmatch can help manage her intake by sorting clients based on compatibility and readiness for therapy.

Erin completes a compatibility profile by answering a series of questions. She receives a unique ID and link and sends this to her list of enquiries.

This process is completely secure and private.

Erin receives profiles of her potential clients, which outlines a score for compatibility and readiness for therapy and any referral and mental health plan that is attached.

Erin only has availability for 1 new client over the next 8 weeks and selects the one with the highest score.

The remaining profiles can be placed on Erin’s wait list or Erin can request them to be matched and referred on to other therapists.

Erin calls her selected client and books a session.

Erin saves between 10-30% of time on admin. Erin is also looking after herself by seeing compatible clients.

However, over the next week one of Erin’s clients decides to drop out of treatment and Erin now has availability she wants to fill.

Erin can go to her waitlist or she can use Psychmatch's free client finder; knowing the clients will be a good fit and she can take on as many or as little as needed.

Erin sees that there are a number of potential clients that match her profile on Psychmatch. She decides to accept the match with the highest score.

Erin books in to see the client.

Erin pays a small monthly free for sorting compatible clients and uses the free client finder to fill in gaps in her practice.

Psychmatch helps therapists manage their intake or proactively grow their practice while placing the therapeutic alliance, practitioner self-care and the client interest at the centre.


Sort enquiries based on compatibility and readiness for therapy.

Refer a therapist and get another 30 days FREE.